Financial Complex, Building No. 1, The Carenage, St. George's, Grenada, W.I.


AML/CTF - Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorist Financing
APG - Asia Pacific Group
ATA - Anti-Terrorism Act
CDD - Customer Due Diligence
CFATF - Caribbean Financial Action Task Force
DNFBPs - Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions
EG - Egmont Group
ESAAMLG - Eastern and South African Anti-Money Laundering Group
EAG - Eurasian Group
ECFIAT - Eastern Caribbean Financial Investigation Advisory Team
FATF - Financial Action Task Force
FIU - Financial Intelligence Unit
FSAP - Financial Sector Assessment Programme
FSC - Financial Services Commission
GAFISUD - Financial Action Task Force of South America
KYC - Know Your Customer
KYCC - Know Your Customer's Customer
KYE - Know Your Employee
MENAFATF - Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force
MLAT - Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty
ML/TF - Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
MLRO - Money Laundering Reporting Officer
MONEYVAL - Council of Europe Select Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
MSBs - Money Service Businesses
MVTs - Money or Value Transfer Services
NCCT - Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories
OFAC - Office of Foreign Assets and Control
OGBS - Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors
PEP - Politically Exposed Person
RGPF - Royal Grenada Police Force
ROSC - Rules and Observance on Standards and Codes
SAR - Suspicious Activity Report
STR - Suspicious Transaction Report
TF - Terrorist Financing