Financial Complex, Building No. 1, The Carenage, St. George's, Grenada, W.I.

Strategic Agenda

As the Unit advances towards greater efficency and effectiveness, the primary focus would be to contextualise the current and impending AML/CFT risk within the jusrisdiction and determine whether the current mechanism employed is appropriate.

Therefore, the strategic focus for the next three years includes:

(a) Capacity Building:

  • Development of an enhance vetting policy to include polygraph testing of persons attached to the FIU;
  • Pursue specific training, particularly in the areas of analytical skills and risk assessment;
  • Enroll in the CFATF accreditation of financial investigators program;
  • Internal staff development program;
  • Mentorship program (succession planning).

(b) Development of a systematic approach for intelligence led analysis and investigation:

  • Development of a mechanism for enhanced cooperation:
  • Formation of a Technical Working Group on AML/CFT;
  • Website development;
  • Update and training for Financial Institutions;
  • Commencement of AML/CFT audit of Financial Institutions.

(c) Standardisation and enhancement of internal controls and practices:

  • Development of standard operating procedures and practices;
  • Improve the quality of processing and analysis of information;
  • Improvement of information and analytical system to include an automated platform to receive information from reporting entities.

(d) Commencement of national risk assessment on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (ML/FT) in Grenada.

  • Development of tools (questionnaire, etc.) in conjuction with Anti-Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing Commission
  • Collection for preliminary data from stakeholders